How Much Weight Can An Eye Bolt Hold? [ANSWERED] – Updated Lift-All Company, Inc. BlogLift-All Company, Inc. Blog
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How Much Weight Can An Eye Bolt Hold? [ANSWERED] – Updated

How Much Weight Can An Eye Bolt Hold? Our support team often gets the question “how much weight can an eye bolt hold?” so we decided to provide an answer publicly for everyone to benefit from.

In case you didn’t already know, an eye bolt’s “rated capacity” describes how heavy of a load a single eye bolt can support when the load is angled at 0 degrees through the eye bolt’s shank.

Check with the bolt manufacturer to confirm exact weight capacity limits, but following is a helpful table that shows how much weight most eye bolts can hold.


Eye Bolt Working Load Chart (Straight Pull, No Angle)
Shank Diameter (in) Weight Capacity (lbs)
1/4 600
5/16 900
3/8 1,300
1/2 2,500
5/8 4,500
3/4 5,200
7/8 7,200
1 10,000
1-1/4 15,000
1-1/2 22,000
2 35,000


Please note that the above table should only be used as a general guide. There are some additional things you need to consider to ensure the safety of your equipment and your staff, which we’ll share next. This is intended only for educational purposes and we are not responsible for any actions you may take as a result of reading this guide.

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What If I’m Lifting At An Angle?

It’s very important to know that the degree of angle that the load is pulling from impacts how much weight the eye bolt can hold. The greater the angle, the less weight an eye bolt can hold.

If the angle is less than 5 degrees, the weight capacity stays pretty much the same.

However, at just 15 degrees, the weight capacity is reduced by 20%. For example, an eye bolt with a 1/4 inch shank can typically hold up to 600 pounds at a straight pull (no angle). However, at a 15 degree angle, the maximum weight capacity drops to 480 pounds (80% of the “straight pull” weight capacity).

Use the list below to help you determine how much of a load the bolt can hold depending on the angle of the pull. Compare these percentages to the weight numbers shown in the table at the top of this page.

Reduction In Maximum Weight Capacity By Angle Of Pull (Degrees)
5° = full weight capacity (100% of load)
15° = weight capacity reduced by 20%
30° = weight capacity reduced by 35%
45° = weight capacity reduced by 70%
46°+ = not safe to use an eye bolt; consider a hoist ring instead

How Are Eye Bolts Measured?

When determining the maximum weight capacity for an eye bolt based on our table above, the “shank diameter” is the measurement of the diameter of the part of the bolt that has screw threads.

Eye Bolts In Cold Weather

For the purpose of defining standards, “cold weather” is typically defined in this context as working conditions that are below 30 degrees F or -1 degrees C. Some materials such as carbon steel are not safe to use in cold weather conditions, so it is important that you check with the bolt manufacturer to make sure your bolts are rated for safe use in the expected weather conditions.

Eye Bolts vs Hoist Rings

Eye bolts have many handy applications. However, one key difference between eye bolts and hoist rings is that eye bolts are NOT designed to carry loads at extreme angles (45 degrees and above). If you need to hold a load at extreme angles, consider using hoist rings instead. You can learn more about hoist rings here.

Lifting With Eye Bolts

When lifting a load using eye bolts, safety is paramount. One should only use proper eye bolt accessories (those specifically designed for lifting). This means certified, high-quality eye bolts intended to handle the load’s weight and the stress of the lift. Overloading an eye bolt can lead to catastrophic failure, so always adhere to the manufacturer’s load limits and guidelines. Additionally, ensuring that the lifting sling is properly aligned with the eye bolts before attempting the lift can prevent uneven stress distribution. Misalignment can cause the bolt to bend or break under pressure, leading to equipment damage or personal injury.

Always conduct a thorough inspection of your lifting equipment prior to use. That means regularly checking your eye bolts for signs of wear, corrosion, or any deformations that could compromise their strength and reliability. Any damaged or worn equipment should be replaced immediately. It’s also essential to ensure that the eye bolts are securely fastened and appropriately tightened before commencing any lift. 

Hopefully this guide on how much weight an eye bolt can hold has been helpful for you. If you have any additional questions that we did not cover in this article, please contact our team of experts for further guidance.